Welcome future gogetter™

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You have been selected to join our community of the most highly accountable [get-shit-done] kind of people you will ever meet.

Our mission is to teach people how to open closed doors and be welcome where most are not
create tools that allow these kind of people to come together in teams such that work seems like play.

We believe that by transforming ourselves individually, we are also transforming our families, which transforms our communities … which eventually transforms everything.

We believe consistency might be the most important competitive advantage — gogetters™ keep showing up long after everyone else has quit.
… quit from boredom, because it always gets boring.
… quit from frustration, because there’s always a brick wall somewhere.
... quit from embarrassment, because aimless people love to laugh at those who are trying.

We simply don’t quit, we do change direction, look for alternative means of accomplishing the goal and/or find others whose talents are better suited to this particular goal.

No one is perfect and no one transforms overnight.

By signing below, I agree to taking tiny steps each day, to move toward becoming the kind of person that lives by the statements above — we call these kind of people gogetters™

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